CONtact mentorship program

Connecting construction entrepreneurs and innovators to industry leaders

The CONtact mentorship program exists to help accelerate the adoption of new solutions aimed at improving productivity, safety and profitability, all while contributing to building sustainable communities.

CONtact is supported with help from the National Research Council of Canada Industrial Research Assistance Program (NRC IRAP).


Help emerging entrepreneurs and innovators refine their product or service for industry adoption.

Nurture emerging talent for the industry.

Build knowledge of emerging solutions within the industry.

Increase the adoption of innovative solutions.

How it works

  • CCA will match industry volunteers with three pre-selected, high-potential entrepreneurs and innovators who have applied to participate in the mentorship program. A mentorship meeting will take place in the form of one virtual three-hour (maximum) feedback session, coordinated by CCA.
  • The sessions are not a “pitch” to the mentor. They are designed to provide feedback on the entrepreneur’s product or service solution on value, price, features, distribution, feasibility, or any other element that will improve the likelihood of adoption.
  • Five selected mentees will have the opportunity to present their solutions to the industry at the CCA Annual Conference through a face-to-face mentorship meeting at the conference and through presenting to delegates during a conference session. Attending the conference also provides the mentees multiple networking with senior industry executives.
  • Any subsequent meetings or feedback will be initiated as desired by the volunteer mentor.
LadderSpike voted favourite innovation at CCA Annual Conference

Mentorship matching

  • Potential mentees will be selected from the initial applicants using criteria established by an independent advisory council. These mentee candidates will then be asked to submit a brief video presentation for review. Three mentees will then be selected and matched with their mentors.
  • CCA will initiate and facilitate the virtual three-hour meeting between the mentee and mentor(s).
  • The mentees will then be prepared for their presentation at the Annual Conference, and subsequent mentoring session.
  • CONtact will cover eligible travel costs for mentees for the single face-to-face meeting and session at the CCA Annual Conference. Any expenses beyond the travel and conference stay outline in the speakers’ agreement will be the innovator’s responsibility.

Become a CONtact mentee

Congratulations to our past mentees

2023-2024 Mentees

2022-2023 Mentees

2021-2022 Mentees


2020-2021 Mentees

2019-2020 Mentees